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Hello, good morning!

Any ideas what this field is doing? (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

It is on Transactions in Collection Letters, even if I post such collection letter with this checkbox unmarked, it is still on CollectionLetterJour.

Any ideas what it is for?


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Hi nuttka,

    I only know two reasons for posting collection letters.

    1) There is a parameter that says when the next letter stage (1st, 2nd, 3rd. ...) will be reached. This can be made dependent on the printout or on the posting of the collection letter.

    2) If you have extra fees that you want to have posted on your customer account. Yet, here the question is whether the customer really pays them.

    Best regards,


  • nuttka Profile Picture
    nuttka 130 on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    oki, all clear, it excludes it from printout, indeed. To be honest, I do not know the reason why Client is posting them. What might be reasons for it? I checked Vouchers for Collection letter, and they are empty, is this correct?

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Hi nuttka,

    It should be excluded from the printout.

    Why do you post your collection letters?

  • nuttka Profile Picture
    nuttka 130 on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Dear Ludwig, but what do you mean by Excluded? On the printout? When I post Collection letter with this checkbox unmarked, it still posts it

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Ok got it.

    The parameter allows you including/excluding transactions from the collection letter.


    You create a collection letter and AX shows you two invoices that should be included.

    For one of the invoices you need to clarify something first.

    Uncheck the parameter after the collection letter is created.

    Print/post the collection letter.


    The unchecked invoice was excluded from the collection letter.

    Hope that answers your question.

  • nuttka Profile Picture
    nuttka 130 on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Account receivables -> Periodic -> Collections -> Print/post collection letters -> Transactions

  • WillWU Profile Picture
    WillWU 22,352 on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued

    Hi nuttka,

    Please check the initializeCustCollectionLetterTrans method in the CustCollectionLetterCreate class:


    And the populateCustCollectionLetterTrans method in the CustCollectionLetterPost class:


    It is set to true by default and it is the default condition in some methods.

    You can check the reference of the field:


    Hope this helps.

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: (CustCollectionLetterTrans).CollectionLetterIssued


    Where did you make this screenprint from?

    What form in AX shows this very text / parameter field?

    Best regards,


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