Hello everyone,
Can someone please help me with this problem. I'm kind new to NAV.
So: I've created a report for medical certificate. The tables are "Employee HR" and "Archive Disease V13". The report works, all good, but now the company wants when they run the report for one employee to appear also the date from current month or the last month. As i understand from the company, there is another table called "Disease HR", which got the same structure as "Archive Disease V13", but here are the latest information stored. I tried to connect the new table to the report and dataitemlinked to the employee hr, but when i run the report it shows me this and appears (-) which was not before:
Also from the "Disease HR:, for the same employee this the structure and as you can see, last 2 dates didn't appear in the report:
So, my question is: How can i retrieve the last 2 dates from "Disease HR" to appear on the report and get rid of (-).
Thank you