RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)
You can use migration tools to solve the problem for created on but "created by" will not be changed. Generally, "created by" and "created on" are default fields for crm that performs audit based on the records so it can not be changed anytime in system. Basically they are locked fields inside the environment.
Alternate solution:
Follow the steps:
1. Create two separate fields named as "Legacy Created on" and "Legacy Created By" using customization.
2. Perform the import data and map the CSV files data with the new fields created in step 1.
3. Once the import is successful you can change the add both the Legacy fields inside the form using customization.
4. "Created on" will have the date you imported the data and "Created by" will have the name of user who did the import. These fields will be available in the footer but just ignore it and ask client to look for "Legacy Created on" and "Legacy Created By" fields.
Hope this helps.
If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.