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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Import data (Created on, Created by)

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Dear All:

I want to import data (Notes) from CSV files where 'created on' and 'created by' field is available. It allows to import all data except these two fileds. But, these two fileds are very important. How can I import data with these two fields. 

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    first you had to edit your .csv files to add missing column and data, in this case you have to use microsoft excel.

  • Suggested answer
    Arun Vinoth Profile Picture
    Arun Vinoth 11,615 on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    Createdby - no way. Period.

    CreatedOn - during data import/integration if it’s record creation then overriddencreatedon is the only possible route. This is one of the MS blessings, as when the legacy createdon is passed on to this overriddencreatedon field platform will write it to createdon, and the imported time will be in overriddencreatedon. Basic swapping.


    More detailed answer:


  • Suggested answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    Hi ,

    Created On is System Field , you can not change the created on at the time of create through import wizard as this  field with internal business logic.  For Created By field you can easily update with User Name , make sure you are putting proper User Name to identify the user.

    To override created on check this article -

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)


    You can use migration tools to solve the problem for created on but "created by" will not be changed. Generally, "created by" and "created on" are default fields for crm that performs audit based on the records so it can not be changed anytime in system. Basically they are locked fields inside the environment.

    Alternate solution:

    Follow the steps:

    1. Create two separate fields named as "Legacy Created on" and "Legacy Created By" using customization.

    2. Perform the import data and map the CSV files data with the new fields created in step 1.

    3. Once the import is successful you can change the add both the Legacy fields inside the form using customization.

    4. "Created on" will have the date you imported the data and "Created by" will have the name of user who did the import. These fields will be available in the footer but just ignore it and ask client to look for "Legacy Created on" and "Legacy Created By" fields.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any questions, feel free to let me know.



  • Suggested answer
    Rawish Kumar Profile Picture
    Rawish Kumar 13,756 on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    Created on you can override that's not an issue by using Override Createdon field. However Created by field is something you will have issues with.

    Try to explore some migration data tools.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    Hi Taher Ali,

    You can try to import the needed data from CSV file to Microsoft Dynamics CRM with a help of an automated data migration Data2CRM. It allows you to import data from CSV files directly to Dynamics. That means you just download the CSV file into the system without converting it into another file format before migration. It also saves all the relations between the records.

    Data2CRM also gives you the ability to see how your data will look in Dynamics by running a Demo Migration. It's free, quick, and you can run it as many times as you want.

    I hope my answer will help. Good luck!

  • Leon Tribe Profile Picture
    Leon Tribe 7,034 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Import data (Created on, Created by)
    You can't through the import wizard, just like you can't set the owner. You may be able to do it through the migration manager but I don't know. While I'm loathe to endorse it, you may need to do direct updates to the SQL tables for this one. Hopefully someone else will have a supported solution. Leon Tribe Want to hear me talk about all things CRM? Check out my blog
  • Taher Ali Profile Picture
    Taher Ali on at
    Re: Re: Import data (Created on, Created by)

    Actually, I have the data and columns in my CSV file. But, when I want to import data, it says that you can not edit this field (created date, created by). If I remove these two fileds from my CSF file, I can import data.

    But, these two fields are very important and I want to import created on and created by from my CSV files. Please help.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Import data (Created on, Created by)

     You'll have to edit your .csv file yourself add the missing colums and data.

    You can do this either by opening the file in notepad, but also excel can do this for you.

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