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Community site session details

Session Id :
Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

PM - GP10 - two invoices were applied to an open credit. The credit still has a balance. The invoices should not have been applied, we need to pay them. How do I correct this?

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  • veeyeskay Profile Picture
    veeyeskay on at
    Re: PM - GP10 - two invoices were applied to an open credit. The credit still has a balance. The invoices should not have been applied, we need to pay them. How do I correct this?

    Hi Tanya

    Glad I was able to help. Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • Tanya Oubre Profile Picture
    Tanya Oubre 40 on at
    Re: PM - GP10 - two invoices were applied to an open credit. The credit still has a balance. The invoices should not have been applied, we need to pay them. How do I correct this?

    Thanks, I knew there had to be a way, but couldn't wrap my mind around it yesterday.

  • Verified answer
    veeyeskay Profile Picture
    veeyeskay on at
    Re: PM - GP10 - two invoices were applied to an open credit. The credit still has a balance. The invoices should not have been applied, we need to pay them. How do I correct this?

    Hi Tanya

    It gets a little round about way to release the documents in payables. This is what you can do.

    1. Create a Misc Charge document for the remaining amount of the credit note and apply to the credit note, so that the credit note and misc charge document both move to history.

    2. Go to Transactions >> Purchasing >> Void Historical Transactions window and void the credit note from this window. This will release all the documents applied on this credit note.

    3. Then go to Transactions >> Purchasing >> Void Open Transactions and void the miscellaneous charge document that you had created.

    This should get the system to a position where you have the invoices ready to be be paid. :)

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

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