In the Purchase and Payables setup, we have External Doc. No. Mandatory enabled.
When you open a new invoice and attempt to exit out without finishing, we get an error message that the vendor invoice number needs to be populated and it won't let you exit until you populate the field. If you need to later delete that invoice, whether it was submitted for approval or not, that vendor invoice number can't be removed because you will receive the validation error message again. This means it hits the posted invoice table with that same invoice number and later cause a validation issue.
So now we have the issue where when you attempt to re-enter the invoice, you have to enter in some kind of designation that classifies it as unique (-A). This is an issue for the Vendors because they are questioning why that is necessary and this is also becoming an issue as we attempt to clean up after a hectic go live. The auditors are also having an issue with this.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Is there a way to cut off that validation when you are deleting an invoice? Is there a way to only have the validation triggered when submiting an invoice for approval or when posting an invoice?