When create Trade Agreement with Tier (range) quantity, I've made some mistake that skip some quantity like this:
Turns out after looking at the document, the rule is : in the standard quantity matching behavior, a quantity matches if it'smore than or equal tothe /from/ quantity andless thanthe /to/ quantity.
which means I supposed to put the same number in From Qty like this :
How is the best way to correct this in Price adjustment journal ? Should I input all again ? or just the skipped number ?
Yes, the skipped number I'm referring to is in this initial range:
So, I checked by using this kind of range, qty of 10 or 25 or 50 didn't get the correct price. Since the rule is "(less then 10) and (equal or more than 11), am I in correct understanding ?
So I changed it to
It is solved. I figured out what Andre pointing, to open the posted Trade Agreement, and there is Edit selected lines.
Is this journal already posted? If so, you can either add the skipped numbers or create a new journal and retrieve existing price agreements and edit them.
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