As I understand, if the ‘Print’ check box is marked for the Cost Variance Journal in the Posting Setup window for the Sales, Inventory and Purchasing series, then this report is also printed whenever there is a cost
adjustment and there are general ledger transactions that need to be posted. By default, this report
prints in summary.
To print this report to print in detail, there are two modified reports that are available
at the Great Plains Reports Library located at: that
can be downloaded and added to your reports dictionary. After that is completed, you must also grant
access to the modified report. After those reports and the dex.ini entry is in place, these reports will
provide additional detail supporting the cost changes that are occurring within the Inventory Control
module. The reports will provide:
• outflow (sales or inventory) document number
• Item number affected
• quantity of the item on the outflow transaction
• old unit cost of the item on the outflow transaction
• new unit cost of the item on the outflow transaction
• calculated difference between the two costs
• extended amount (quantity * cost difference)
The PRUD report is a “one time” report that is produced at the time of posting and can’t be regenerated
so it is essential that this report be printed to paper or file anytime it is produced.