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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

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Error Summary

When we try to run the Historical Aged Trial Balance (RM) for a specific Customer Class we get the following error


When I try to run the same report - from the same window - for a different Customer Class - the report works.ProperlyFunctionReport.pngAgedTrialBalanceNoError.png

Running Aged Trial Balance

When running the Aged Trial balance and selecting the same Customer Class - we get the data generated correctly.  Now this is good - but when we try to run the same report 

Attempted Solutions

I have run a variety of Scripts that search for the search for duplicate records in the RM system.  I have searched a number of solutions that have been posted on the community site that suggest to solve this problem, however, none of the solutions posted make a difference here.

I can not find a duplicate record in the 'standard RM' tables.

What I am thinking now is (1) there is a duplicate record in the US Multicurrency tables (2) the data in the RM is not damaged.

I have removed the MC RM Detailed report from the modified dictionary.  I have run this as a standard user and then as SA - it makes no difference.  It makes no difference on what machine I run this report - server, Terminal Server, 2 or 3 client workstations - all generate the same result.


- running the Historical Aged Trial Balance

- in detail / excluding Multicurrency

- selecting Class US generates the error

- selecting Class CAN generates the report no error

- selecting Class (anything) generates the report no error

- running the Aged Trial Balance 

- in detail / excluding Multicurrency

- selecting Class US generates the error

- selecting Class CAN generates the report no error

- selecting Class (anything) generates the report no error


Looking for assistance to figure out why only one Customer Class ( US ) can cause this error and none of the other Customer Class choice generates the same error.

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Thanks for the confirmation Vitoria. That is what I had discovered this morning and was able execute on the client and test the results already. 

  • Victoria Yudin Profile Picture
    Victoria Yudin 22,766 on at
    RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Bill, I think the underlying issue is that you have 2 customers with seemingly the same ID:


    That is a big no no, as customer IDs must be unique and this should not have been allowed at the SQL level, let alone by GP. I wonder if it's possible that one of these has a special character in the ID, so that it looks the same, but is not really?

    If you run the following in SQL, how many results do you get back?

    select DEX_ROW_ID, * from RM00101 where CUSTNMBR like '%DAVIDSON%'

    If it's more than 1, can you post a screenshot of the first few columns of the results?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    When I called it a 'ghost' - well it turns out that there were three different records in the RM00101 Customer Master table that all were contributing to the problem.

    One of them was simply a header - Customer Number - no name and nothing else

    One of them was a header where the Customer Number was blank - nothing but an address ID

    Last one was a duplicate of the DAVISON INC customer ID and all details the same, with a different Customer Name - it has a DEX_ROW_ID that puts it as created in the last two weeks.

    So in the end, it was not a duplicate record in the OPEN/HISTORY and the Checklinks / Reconcile did not resolve any thing - so thanks for everyones comments

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Sue, the RM00401 is the RM Keys Master - I am sure you ment RM00101 as the Customer Master.

    And to the answer, yes we looked at recreating the RM Keys Master as you noted, and this had no effect.

  • sueconrod Profile Picture
    sueconrod 335 on at
    RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Did you check your RM00401 which is the Customer Master File.  And I will say before you do anything, make a backup.  If there is something in this file that doesn't belong "Your Ghost" it means at one time it was in your previous files and was deleted. 

    Check with Great Plains, but it used to be we were told to delete the RM00401 and then run checklinks to bring the table back.


    No one can be in the system when you do this

    Make sure you have a backup

    Verify with Great Plains that you can still do this to resolve if your ghost is appearing in the RM00401.



  • RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    The plot thickens.  Following up on the comment from Sue and Tom I did the following.

    I ran Checklinks for the entire RM system

    I reconciled the RM Customer Accounts.

    The checklinks generated a number of records that it removed - however the reporting problem continues.

    The following screen shots are of interest as it shows a "Ghost" in the Customer Master list.

    Point of interest is DAVISON INC - shown twice in the screen - one description DO NOT USE the other - the company name.  When I highlight the DO NOT USE I get the results as expected -

    When I click on the CUSTOMER lookup to select another option - DAVISION INC (2) - I can not see it.

    When I close the windows and repeat this - I get the exact same results.

    It is of interest that when the two DAVISO INC appear in the first selection window - only the one marked DO NOT USE is selectable - when I try to click on the second one in line - and the order is always the same - tried over 10 times - it is not clickable.


    I believe this to be the problem.  There is not a duplicate record in the OPEN or HISTORY there appears to be ghost (for lack of a better term) in the CUSTOMER MASTER. 

    Using the same selection process - enter DAVE and click lookup in the CUSTOMER Maintenance - I can duplicate the same results in the display screen.  I have run reconcile on Customer Current Information, Outstanding Document Amounts, Batch, Fiscal, Calendar - no results.

    It should be noted that this customer ID was put on HOLD and INACTIVE and the name change done all at the same time that this problem started.  I have taken off the hold and inactive -- with no change.

    I have looked in the CUSTOMER table in SQL and no there is no duplicate.


  • Tom Cruse Profile Picture
    Tom Cruse 1,477 on at
    RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Bill have you run CheckLinks on Receivables??

    Don't want to over-assume anything but CheckLinks does a great job with cleaning up duplicate key issues.

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Sue, I did look at all the Duplicate Script options - I recognize that the issue is not the CLASS so much as who is in the class.

    I worked to determine that the error happens when DAVIDSON is selected as the Customer - so I re-did the scripting and applied the CUSTOMER filter - it did not change anything.

    Is there a specific table to the Historical Aged Trial Balance - Multicurrency - that I may need to look at?

  • RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    Sorry did all that - and there are no duplicates returned by these scripts.

  • sueconrod Profile Picture
    sueconrod 335 on at
    RE: Remove Duplicate Receivable Management Transaction

    It has nothing to do with your customer class.  It is a customer within the class.  Usually it is that you have a duplicate invoice in the Work, Open or History tables.

    Let me fix it myself Identify duplicate records in the Receivables Management tables yourself. The tables are:

    • RM10301 - RM Sales Work File
    • RM10201 - Cash Receipts Work File
    • RM20101 - RM Open File
    • RM30101 - RM History File

    There is an Automated Solution available to perform this task titled "Receivables Duplicates". For more information about how to identify Receivables duplicate records, visit the Automated Solutions Page at the following link:

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