RE: Quickbooks Online Migration Account Number
I tried to migrate data from QuickBooks Desktop and I hade the same issue - at least one account does not have an account number. I found that all the credit cards do not have an account number assigned, so I asked Accountant, why is this so and if we can assign an account number, now. Accountant said that in the US a credit card does not have an account number, and of course, I did not want to mess up with already posted data in QuickBooks, so I will migrate data manually.
I found out that QuickBooks by default does not assign a number to any account, therefor in my case all accounts are created with account name only i.e.: 100 - name of account - Type; 101 - name of account - type; but when it comes to the credit cards, there is no number in front of the name of account.
If someone can cofirm that no historical data will be changed after account number is inserted, I would do that and export data, but for now, I will stick to the monkey work - manual migration the data.
Thank you
BR Damjan