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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

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I am having an issue where my AA budgets are not showing when running the MR reports.  Is there a requirement to have a GL account in the row definition or can I just use some of the AA dimensions in the row definition?  Also, in the AA budgets within GP, do GL accounts need to be associated with the AA budgets, or can it just be dimeons that the AA budgets are associated with.  There isn't too much documentation or discussion on this on the web.  Any assistance is appreciated.



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  • Suggested answer
    cgust Profile Picture
    cgust on at
    RE: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    Analytical Accounting was reworked for the Dynamics GP data mart option. If you aren't on the latest Management Reporter roll up and you use Analytical Accounting, you may want to check it out as you'll see many benefits. This video helps show some of them:

  • Lisa Hunter Profile Picture
    Lisa Hunter 1,612 on at
    RE: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    Hi Phil,

    I think our issue was a design issue.  See Below - this was the troubleshoot and resolution, sorry I couldn't be more help.

    We Created a test report for account 63030

    Generated it to the transaction detail level

    Drilled into the transaction level

    See there is data returned for dimension, the full account is:

    9000-2330-041-63030- -AA.233001.12.00

    (no code for the Internal Order dimension)

    Reviewed the original tree

    See that the tree is filtering based on the code of "NA", while the dimension was not included in the budget

    Advised that the report is accurate and not displaying the budget information since there is no budget information that matches

    Removed the "NA" dimension from the tree and now you get results

  • Phil Rimmer Profile Picture
    Phil Rimmer 450 on at
    RE: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    Hi Lisa,

    Do you know if Microsoft have resolved this issue yet?

    I am having this same problem with AA budgets in MR RU5.

    Your work around above would not really be possible to implement as my aaTrxDimID looks like this 6,7,10,11,12,13,14,18,1753,1754 so I certainly do not want to enter 1700 dummy trx dimensions.

  • Michael Byrne Profile Picture
    Michael Byrne 1,075 on at
    Re: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing


    Microsoft had to get involved and re-arranged the Dimension IDs in the back-end.  This was a take over client situation and the former VAR created the ticket.  Here were the emails I was copied on if it is any help...  (Keep in mind this is client specific so the update statements will not pertain necessarily to your dimension ID's.  This is only to lead you in the right direction.

    Bug #473870: You may not be able to pull data for an AA dimension in MR if the dimension's order was changed in GP

    Bug #473872: If you have deleted or cleared a Transaction Dimension in GP, you will not be able to pull AA data on any dimensions created after this.

    I was able to come up with a workaround to get past the bugs and get the expected data on the report.  I will explain in detail but if you have any questions please give me a call and I can work with you to get things working.  The problem is that MR will not return data from AA budgets when dimensions have been deleted as this causes the AA Dimension IDs to not be in numerical order.  You can see this within SQL by running the following query – select * from aag00400

    In the data returned you will see that the aaTrxDimID column has values of 5, 7, 8, 13, 15 and 16 (at least the data we have is set like this).  The bug is that MR will only work if those would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.  However we can’t just simply change the existing Dimension IDs as every existing transaction\budget within AA is tied to that ID so that relation would be lost.  What we need to do is create some “dummy” dimensions in AA to fill in the missing numbers.  We will mark these dimensions as Inactive and will not create any codes for them so they can’t actually be used within GP but they will allow MR to work until the bug is fixed and included in the next release.  At that time these “dummy” dimensions can be deleted (technically they could be left forever as they won’t cause any problems).

    Here are the steps to create these dimensions:

    1. Make a backup of the company database

    2. In GP go to Cards | Financial | AA | Transaction Dimension

    3. Enter DUMMY1 for the Trx Dimension and Description 1 fields (you can use whatever name\description you want)

    4. Select the Inactive button and click Save


    5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have created 10 dimensions (I did DUMMY1 – DUMMY10)

    6. Now go into SQL and run this query - select * from aag00400 - you will see these new dimensions.  Now we need to set all the IDs to be 1-16

    7. Run this query - update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 1 where AATrxDim = 'dummy1' – this assumes you used the dummy1 naming convention listed in step 2.  If not change your query slightly.

    8. Run these additional queries to change everything to what we need.

    a. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 2 where AATrxDim = 'dummy2'

    b. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 3 where AATrxDim = 'dummy3'

    c. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 4 where AATrxDim = 'dummy4'

    d. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 6 where AATrxDim = 'dummy5'

    e. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 9 where AATrxDim = 'dummy6'

    f. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 10 where AATrxDim = 'dummy7'

    g. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 11 where AATrxDim = 'dummy8'

    h. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 12 where AATrxDim = 'dummy9'

    i. update AAG00400 set aaTrxDimID = 14 where AATrxDim = 'dummy10'

    9. Run – select * from aag00400 - now the aaTrxDimID column should be 1-16

    10. Technically there is a second but related bug.  Notice the aaOrder column.  We also need that to be 1-16

    11. In GP go to Cards | Financial | AA | Transaction Dimension Order

    12. Move the dimensions up\down until they look like this:


    13. Now run – select * from aag00400 again and it should look like this:


    14. Finally, test your report in MR and you should get the AA budget data.  One thing to make sure of that I think Erik mentioned originally is that you do have to have amounts assigned down to the account level in your AA budgets.

    I know that sounds like a lot but at a high level all we’re doing is creating some extra dimensions to fill in the missing IDs and then putting them in order.  Please let me know if there are any questions.

  • Lisa Hunter Profile Picture
    Lisa Hunter 1,612 on at
    Re: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    I am having a similiar situation wondering if there is an update or fix.  MR 2.0.1700.31 is installed.  AA Budget created in GP.  We created a simple row format - 1 account that has a TRX DIM Code associated with it. Are column layout is Desc., 12 monthly actual, YTD Actual and a Budget YTD.  We can choose our budget in the Budget column.  This company is AA enabled.  We put the AA trx dim code in the MR Tree.  

    When we run the report with the simple ROW column and the Column Layout described above with no Tree, we get Budget #'s.  But our Actuals are incorrect since we are not filtering on the TRX DIM Code.  When we run the same building blocks with the MR tree that references the TRX DIM CODE our actual columns are correct, but we get nothing in our Budget Column.  Any thoughs?  Design issue in MR, GP? or an issue with MR?

    Thank you!

  • Michael Byrne Profile Picture
    Michael Byrne 1,075 on at
    Re: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    Thanks for the suggestion, Ryan.

    I definitely have it configured for AA.  I also can access the AA Budget on the column definition.  The actual AA totals show but not the Budget.  I will try and start putting some accounts in there, but it doesn't work with just a dimension(Program).

  • Suggested answer
    Re: Management Reporter and AA Budgets Not Appearing

    Hi Mike,

    When  you configured your company in Management Reporter verify you selected Analytical Accounting and not GP Financials. The AA budgets will not be available when you are logged in without AA enabled in the MR company.

    I don't believe you need an AA budget linked to an account, but I can't answer that definitively at the moment. Can you either setup a one line budget with an account/dimension or see if this works as soon as you can see the budgets in the column?



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