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Shopify Connector Items to Products and Variants

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Is there a best practice to start from a list of items in Business Central and end up with Products and Variants in Shopify that are synced back to BC?
We have all products and variants listed as individual items in Business Central.  We have added these to Shopify and they have created an equal number of Products in Shopify.
In Shopify I can manipulate the data to group variants under products as I need it but then I lose the sync with Business Central as I have to create new products with associated variants.
The only thing I can think of is to add all items from BC to Shopify, manipulate the data in Shopify, delete the data in the Shopify connector (not sure how I do this?), import products and variants from Shopify to BC, Try to find the product mappings based on SKU number.
Any help appreciated as I am sure we are not the first trying to do this. Thank you.
  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Shopify Connector Items to Products and Variants
    Totally agree, we sync items from BC to Shopify.
    All our items are individual items, so if you e.g. have a t-shirt in size S M and L it will be displayed as 3 different products in Shopify. If you for some reason want to keep the individual products but would like to have them displayed in Shopify as 1 product with 3 different options, you can use the "Product Bundles by Mageworx" App.
    In BC we created an additional item (we call it a parent item) for the 3 t-shirt sizes with picture description etc.
    Go to Shopify and to the "Product Bundles by Mageworx" App and add the parent product as a Bundle and then add the 3 products size S M and L as Bundle products, then you will see the product as one with 3 options in a list with one add-to-cart. 
    Before we found this app, I searched a lot about the possibility to keep our individual items and their sync from BC to Shopify but didn't find much - maybe this post can help others who are looking for the same :)
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 7,508 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Shopify Connector Items to Products and Variants
    the best practice is to use one data source to keep your items and syn to the other. I would recommend set up all items in BC and sync to shopify. It is possible to create items in BC and a corresponding one shopify and map those up. But this will add challenge to have items created in different places and do the mapping. If you are still testing, I would recommend you to delete items in shopify, create as many items as you need in BC and sync to shopify. 
  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Shopify Connector Items to Products and Variants
    For others looking for information on keeping individual items in Shopify instead of products + variants and without losing sync.
    Found a Shopify App "Product Bundles by Mageworx"  and used the function Bundle Products that makes it possible to handle individual products as Parent /child or grouped products.
  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Shopify Connector Items to Products and Variants
    Same here - did you find a solution to this?

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