I've got a web resource embedded in a form that needs to retrieve parameters from the entity form when it loads. I am able to use parent.Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters() to retrieve them without a problem, however, if the user switches to another version of the form, it can no longer retrieve them. I've set a watch and breakpoint in Chrome to see what the function returns in each case and it seems that the form parameters are removed or ignored when the form gets switched:
Parameters returned when the form initially loads (note CTIData_ and ani_ are both populated):
Parameters returned when the form is changed (note the lack of CTIData_ and ani_ as well as the addition of formid, rof and setlastviewed):
Note: the address bar does not change and still displays the extraqs section which contains the parameter values.
Do others see the same behavior or have any thoughts on how to fix this? We are on CRM 2013 SP1 UR3
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