Hi All
We have identified that the events portal is now editable in the power platform but it seems extremely limited, Can anyone direct me to information that is available to edit this and add custom HTML as well as CSS.
Another question, is it possible to expose events directly on an external website?
Many thanks
Clofly already responded on other parts - editing support that you mention on Powerportal is not quite clear to me, definitely not a change that's coming from D365 Marketing roadmap. As he mentions, events website is independent of hosting mechanics (portals is one of the many possibilities)
Hi Chez,
I am testing event portal in power apps designer, could you share me some screenshots that how can we edit it? Would it be an update of wave 2?
As far as I know, due to event website is built with Angular, we need to download event website sample files and build it locally, then upload all modification to portal with deployment script.
If you want to customize any page of event website, please feel free to ask question, I could share your steps in Angular style.
For your second question, yes, we can expose events with Event API, do you want to expose them on your WordPress site or other CMS?
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