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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Report to print content of Kits - RMS

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi Folks

Looking for a report that will print the content of all my kits such as

ItemLookupCode  Description  KitContentItem  Description Quantity

1234k  Demo Kit     1223  Case     1

                                1234  Circuit  3

PS. Any reports regarding kits would be appreciated.



*This post is locked for comments

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report to print content of Kits - RMS

    //--- Report Summary --- //

    Begin ReportSummary
    ReportType = reporttypeItems
    ReportTitle = "Kit Component List"
    PageOrientation = pageorientationLandscape
    WordWrap = False
    ShowDateTimePicker = False
    OutLineMode = True
    Groups = 1
    GroupDescription = ""
    DisplayLogo = True
    LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp"
    ProcedureCall = ""
    PreQuery1 = ""
    PreQuery2 = ""
    TablesQueried = <BEGIN>
    LEFT JOIN Department WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.DepartmentID = Department.ID
    LEFT JOIN Category WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.CategoryID = Category.ID
    LEFT JOIN Supplier WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.SupplierID = Supplier.ID
    LEFT JOIN SupplierList ON SupplierList.SupplierID = Supplier.ID AND SupplierList.ItemID = Item.ID
    RIGHT JOIN Kit ON Item.ID = Kit.KitItemID
    LEFT JOIN Item B ON Kit.ComponentItemID = B.ID
    LEFT JOIN Department D WITH(NOLOCK) ON B.DepartmentID = D.ID
    LEFT JOIN Category C WITH(NOLOCK) ON B.CategoryID = C.ID
    LEFT JOIN Supplier S WITH(NOLOCK) ON B.SupplierID = S.ID
    LEFT JOIN SupplierList L ON L.SupplierID = S.ID AND L.ItemID = B.ID

    SelCriteria = ""
    GroupBy = ""
    SortOrder = ""
    End ReportSummary

    //--- Title Rows ---//

    Begin TitleRow
    Text = "<Store Name>"
    Font = "Arial"
    FontBold = True
    FontSize = 16
    Color = "Blue"
    End TitleRow

    Begin TitleRow
    Text = "<Report Title>"
    Font = "Arial"
    FontBold = True
    FontSize = 12
    Color = "Black"
    End TitleRow

    Begin TitleRow
    Text = "Generated On <Report Date>"
    Font = "Arial"
    FontBold = True
    FontSize = 10
    Color = "Black"
    End TitleRow

    //--- Filters ---//

    Begin Filter
    FieldName = "Item.Inactive"
    FilterOp = reportfilteropEqual
    FilterLoLim = "0"
    FilterHilim = "0"
    FilterNegated = False
    FilterConnector = reportfilterbooleanconAND
    End Filter

    //--- Columns ---//

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"
    DrillDownFieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Item"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1668
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.Description"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Description"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1836
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.BinLocation"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Bin Location"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1668
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.ItemLookupCode"
    DrillDownFieldName = "B.ItemLookupCode"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Item"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1668
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.Description"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Description"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 2160
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.BinLocation"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Bin Location"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1668
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Department.Name"
    DrillDownFieldName = "Department.Name"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Department"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1560
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "D.Name"
    DrillDownFieldName = "D.Name"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Department"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 2208
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Category.Name"
    DrillDownFieldName = "Category.Name"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Category"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1296
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "C.Name"
    DrillDownFieldName = "C.Name"
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Category"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1944
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.Quantity"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit On-Hand"
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1176
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = "#.##"
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.Quantity"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component On-Hand"
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = False
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1920
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = "#.##"
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Supplier"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1356
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "S.SupplierName"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Supplier"
    VBDataType = vbString
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1896
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.QuantityCommitted"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Committed"
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1344
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = "#.##"
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.QuantityCommitted"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Committed"
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 2088
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = "#.##"
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.ReorderPoint"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Reorder Pt."
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1404
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.ReorderPoint"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Reorder Pt."
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 2148
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.RestockLevel"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Restock Lvl."
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1476
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.RestockLevel"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Restock Lvl."
    VBDataType = vbDouble
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 2220
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.Cost"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Cost"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 828
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.Cost"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Cost"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1572
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.Price"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Price"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 876
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.Price"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Price"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1620
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.PriceA"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Price A"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1032
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.PriceA"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Price A"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1776
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.PriceB"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Price B"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1044
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.PriceB"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Price B"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1788
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.PriceC"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Price C"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1044
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.PriceC"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Price C"
    VBDataType = vbCurrency
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1788
    GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.LastSold"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Last Sold"
    VBDataType = vbDate
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1212
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.LastSold"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Last Sold"
    VBDataType = vbDate
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1956
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "Item.Inactive"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Kit Inactive"
    VBDataType = vbBoolean
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1056
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignCenterCenter
    End Column

    Begin Column
    FieldName = "B.Inactive"
    DrillDownFieldName = ""
    DrillDownReportName = ""
    StoreIDFieldName = ""
    Title = "Component Inactive"
    VBDataType = vbBoolean
    Formula = ""
    ColHidden = True
    ColNotDisplayable = False
    FilterDisabled = False
    ColWidth = 1860
    GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
    ColFormat = ""
    ColAlignment = flexAlignCenterCenter
    End Column

Under review

Thank you for your reply! To ensure a great experience for everyone, your content is awaiting approval by our Community Managers. Please check back later.

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