Hello BC Community,
The base BC Mobile App is nice - but as with many things, my stakeholders are asking for customizations.
With this in mind, could I ask some clarifying questions on the customization process?
- To customize BC Mobile App - there is no way to modify the BC App that is downloaded from the Android/IOS Store
- To create a customized app - must have a local server instance of Business Central (On-Prem)
- Once this On-Prem environment has been created, then connect to the server and create a mobile App which is connected to your BC server
- If I am using BC-Cloud - can my on-prem be sync with my cloud instance so that I don't start from scratch (I have added many fields, customizations etc already)?
- Can my BC App be based upon the standard BC app that Microsoft provides? Meaning, I would rather customize an app based on the default one, than have to create a new one entirely from scratch
- When you are satisfied with the mobile app, you can then push it to end user devices, or link to android store, and allow users to download this mobile app
Am I understanding this correctly? Are there some good tutorials that walk through this entire process - including a demo app development?
Thank you