Hi all,
I want to create an entity that when the user clicks it the user will immediately see the form not the grid view form. The user does not need to click th "new" button to see the form. Is that possible?
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Hi all,
I want to create an entity that when the user clicks it the user will immediately see the form not the grid view form. The user does not need to click th "new" button to see the form. Is that possible?
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Could you use the "Quick Create" functionality in the top navigation? All you need is a Quick Create Form for your entity and enable it for quick create.
Hi Arci,
Follow below approach to open the new form of an entity.
1. Copy the URL of new entity form. You can open an New form by clicking 'New' button. Press F11 to get fullscreen window. Copy the URL present in URL Box.
2. Create a button in Entity Ribbon OR Sitemap as per your requirement. To know more on how to create button, check one of the below blogs.
3. Select the URL option to execute on click of that button. In URL section, paste the url which you have copied in step 1.
Entity will be created in as usual but instead of out of the box grid you need to have a custom page instead of default view, for example you can have custom html webresource which can have custom button to open form for your entity. you can create a sitemap area to open your html webresource for your entity.
Hope it will help.
Hi Arci,
this could be one of the solution,
edit the sitemap and point the entity url to a iframe.
This iframe should load the entity new form in below format,
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