Can someone let me know if Dynamics 365 Sales Hub have a defined list of tables that are used to build it environment?
For example, there an Accounts and Contacts within Customers, see image. I would like to know what tables are used to build Accounts or Contacts. Is there a set table structure used? Need help!
Hi Anacastillo,
Yes, Account and Contact are two OOB tables in Dataverse if you installed Dynamics 365 Sales Hub.
Accounts are companies that you market and sell to. They can also be partner companies or suppliers.
Contacts represent individual people.
One Account can have multiple contacts, and one primary contact:
Also, you can refer to the following links for more details:
Account and Contact are the name of the tables for these two , you can look for the default solution and check logical name, and same name is used for the corresponding table in dataverse.
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