We want to create a 'mirror' set of Customer and Vendor Classes, as we have a mirror set of Customers and Vendors.
This is being done as the company is undergoing a ownership change and the old customer and vendor details were explicitly to be removed from the system. However this causes huge issue with Project Accounting so we have figured out a work around.
Last part of this is to change the Customer / Vendor Class so that we have two unique values for the New Company and for the Old Company.
We want the content of both classes to be identical, with the execption of the posting accounts, the NEW one goes to 2-xx-xx-xxxx and the OLD one would point to 1-xx-xx-xxxx. We know how to make that change and how to roll it down, but, we dont want to have to recreate the existing classes -- with all the details -- so we are looking for a short cut.
Is there a way -- in application or via SQL Script -- that we can copy the RM00201 content and duplicate the information with new CLASID fields?
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