Hello Mark,
Thank you for your questions.
The changelog information can be found in the Readme document:
Feature Pack 1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
4.1. Accounting export to XML files
You can now export batch information to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file, and then import the data into your accounting software. For more information, see "About exporting accounting information to XML files" in Manager View Help.
4.2. Report viewing in Microsoft Office Excel
Certain reports can now be viewed in your choice of either the standard report window or Microsoft Office Excel. Simply select the new "View in Microsoft Excel" check box in one of these reports, and then click Refresh Report as usual. To see the list of reports that have this functionality, see "List of reports" in Manager View Help.
Tip: Consult with your Microsoft Certified Partner to have this functionality added to additional reports.
4.3. Partial authorization and reversals
If you are using TSYS as your payment processor, Feature Pack 1 includes support for partial authorization and reversals. Partial authorization is authorization of part of the transaction amount, such as when the customer pays by using a third-party gift card but does not have enough money left on the card to cover the full amount. A reversal restores an approved amount to the customer's credit card balance when a transaction is canceled after approval.
4.4. Balance printing for third-party gift cards
If a customer uses a third-party gift card, such as a Visa or Mastercard gift card, the payment processor may send the customer's card balance to Microsoft Dynamics POS. When that happens, the customer's balance is printed on the transaction receipt.
4.5. Open+Partial view for purchase orders
You can now view all open and partially received purchase orders together in the Purchase Orders list. In the Current View box, select the view that you want.
4.6. Ref. No. column for purchase orders and item receipts
In the Purchase Orders and Item Receipts lists, you can use the new Ref. No. column to locate orders by reference number.
4.7. Support for partner-led translation
Feature Pack 1 includes behind-the-scenes support for Microsoft Certified Partners who are interested in moving Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 into new locales. Partners who are interested in this opportunity can find additional information on PartnerSource.
4.8. Additional fixes
Feature Pack 1 also includes fixes for the following issues:
- Item receipts committed and closed using a back office machine are not imported to QuickBooks
- Discounts are displayed in wrong columns in the Full Page receipt format
- The View Batches window displays a register's database ID instead of the register number given by the user
- Searching for "OR" leads to an error and Microsoft Dynamics POS 2009 needs to close
- The "Truncate text '~' (suffix)" alignment string is not recognized when receipts are rendered
Note: For the last issue above, you can fix the truncation by modifying the receipt template. Instead of using the tilde (~) character, add the new "<WRAPLENGTH>" tag under the <COLUMNHEADER> tag. The new tag specifies the maximum number of characters per line. For example, <WRAPLENGTH>40</WRAPLENGTH> wraps the text after 40 characters.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.