nRequest ID: d7c10265-b85f-47e4-90f4-1a1fd2283f5b (include this in support requests)./,/extensions/:{/code/:/INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR/,/requestId/:/d7c10265-b85f-47e4-90f4-1a1fd2283f5b/}}]}
...that is we asked Shopify support and mentioned the Request ID.
They asked for the request data as wel, which we found in the Shopify log entries. It looks like the following:
/status:open updated_at:>''
/){ pageInfo { hasNextPage } edges { cursor node { legacyResourceId name createdAt updatedAt channel { name } test fullyPaid unpaid riskLevel displayFinancialStatus displayFulfillmentStatus subtotalLineItemsQuantity totalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } customAttributes { key value } tags }}}}/}
After /updated_at:>/ a valid date should follow, but none is given.
In other words, the BC Shopify connector has a bug.
If yes, when will it be fixed? Is there a way to work around the problem?
If no, what's the right way to report the problem?
We are end users of business central, currently trying out the Shopify connector.
Wolter Kaper
Entocare CV