Re: 1099s are printing for non 1099 vendors
Hi Gina,
Forms 1099 are generated from information in the Purchasing 1099 Period Detail table. The 1099 is generated regardless of the vendor's 1099 status. GP looks only to the Purchasing 1099 Period Detail table to determine what goes on the 1099. They should not be generated for $0, as you well know, no matter how I'm marked for 1099 purposes.
If you had a vendor marked as a 1099 vendor half of the year and then unmarked him later, any of the earlier transactions will still live in the period detail and he'll get a 1099. You need to clear the amounts out of that table in order to prevent the 1099. In order to access the Vendor 1099 details window so that you can clear the amounts, you have to first mark the vendor as a 1099 vendor. Go figure.
Now, about the threshold amounts, this is a new one. If the 1099 is printing for all vendors, you might want to make sure you are not printing a modified report. There's only one table in that report, and it's a temporary table.
Not much good, I know, but check the details for the dollar amounts, and report back on what you find.
Kind regards,