The end user prints her A/P checks, first, and only later enters and posts the A/P invoice that that check will be applied to.
The check format is check-stub-stub, and the Report ID is 10412.
Her process, therefore, prevents data from appearing on the check stubs for the Document No. and Document Date. Not only that, the "Posting Description" field on the stubs only shows the Vendor Name. So, the end user is unable to enter a note into the Payment Journal's "Description" field that will appear on the stubs.
True, we could probably turn off the setting in Purchases & Payables Setup that copies the Vendor Name to the Payment Journal. But, it's not preferable to do so.
For those users who print checks prior to entering and posting their invoices, is it possible to have any data print on the check stubs for Document No., Document Date, and Posting Description?