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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi All,

I have 2 different XML file, 1 for Header records and the other for Line Item records.

I have setup VKonnact on my local machine. I have been successful in integrating Sales Invoice records through VKonnact. However, VKonnact does not allow the records to be integrated where the Customer ID does not exist in GP - Yes it is right and make sense. But VKonnact claims that it allows creating non-existing master elements in GP on the fly (

On that belief I tried to integrate my Sales Invoice records with the non existing Customer ID but I have been unsuccessful in doing so. I’m really tired of finding from where the setup for “On the Fly” is to be done.

If VKonnact allows creating the new values for master key elements at the time of integration then why am I getting such error?

Does anyone know from where can I setup “On the fly” or VKonnact does not have such facility?


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.


    For any integration issues, you may try Tenfold. Tenfold offers integrations with more than 150 phone systems and and CRMs. It offers features like click to dial and call pop ups and is really easy to set up. You can check out their integrations at

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.


    It’s a really good suggestion by Ceira. I will definitely have a word with our team and we will try to incorporate this feature within VKonnact.

    Leslie, I heartily appreciate your thoughts on VKonnact. We are putting our best efforts in making VKonnact as user-friendly as possible for the Dynamics GP users to ease the data integration process.

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Wow! See how wrong I can be. You've got some great posts Tejas. I spent a couple of hours on the phone today with Vinod at VKonnact and he showed me some very cool features. This is a powerful program that is also getting more and more user friendly. It's really nice.

    Kind regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Hi Leslie,

    I have verified that VKonnact has the feature to create master key elements ‘on the fly’.

    The option window that you are referring is completely different from the Option window for setting up ‘on the fly’. To know about the option window to setup ‘on the fly’ feature you can refer to the above 1st reply given by “Tejas Patel” on 10th June 2016.

    I have something in my mind which I would like to share. I’m very much glad to see that VKonnact has similar look and feel like Dynamics GP. Because of this I was very much excited to play with VKonnact. No doubt ‘on the fly’ feature is beneficial at the time of integrating data.

    In Dynamics GP, if the Master key element value does not exist then GP has a facility to create the Master key element. For example, Customer Class does not exist at the time of creating new Customer into GP. As soon as I enter a new value in the Customer Class the GP pops a window on the screen asking to add the new value “Do you want to add this class ID?” (Screen shot attached below)


    When I click on the add button it allows me to create Customer Class.

    Now in VKonnact:
    After loading the source Customer records into VKonnact, I can view my source Customer records data by double clicking on the source data panel. Below is the VKonnact source customer records screen shot.


    As I can see that Class ID value is in RED which indicates me that the Class ID value does not exists in Dynamics GP.  Thus, I feel VKonnact performs the validation of the data before the import process which is quite good and I’m happy with that as it gives me a chance to verify my source data.

    So this is what I am thinking here, VKonnact can add a feature which allows me to create the Customer Class in the same way as Dynamics GP gives. However it’s not limited to Class ID but all Master Key elements.

    I hope this feature will be an added advantage for the VKonnact end users.

  • Suggested answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.


    I do not believe VKonnact can set up master records 'on the fly'. The options button on the top of the home page opens the Options Window, but by values it looks like they mean document numbers and batches. Here is what my Options window looks like, I'm running V3.2


    Kind regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Thanks Tejas.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Hi Ceira,

    Yes you can specify the error count number in VKonnact.

    Simply follow the below steps to set the error count number.

    Step 1: In VKonnact, on Home-> System Setup-> Option.


    Step 2: The Option window will appear on your screen as shown below, in the highlighted portion you can mention the number of error count for the integration to stop.

    After you have specified the no. of error count, click on Save to save the changes.

    If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to reach me.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Hi Tejas,

    I needed your help on regarding the discontinuation of integration process after reaching certain no. of error.

    Earlier I had integrated 1000 Customer records using this tool and I was happy to see that all the records were integrated in just 1 min.

    I have intentionally prepared another 1000 Customer records with some of the records having errors. I had tried integrating those data but I have noticed that while integrating records the integration process automatically discontinue after reaching 500 errors.


    I want the integration process to discontinue after only 10 records rather than reaching till 500.

    Is there any option within VKonnact where I can specify the error count numbers? 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Hi Tejas,

    I deeply appreciate your assistance.

    I was very much curious to know about VKonnact. So, I was just evaluating the VKonnact by myself.

    I must say that I'm thoroughly impressed with the VKonnact. Especially with the VKonnact windows which is with similar look and feel as of GP windows that depicts its user-friendliness.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integrating Sales invoice - Customer ID does not exists.

    Hi Ceira,

    I’m happy to help.

    Feel free to reach me for any further assistance.


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