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Best practices connecting D365 to SharePoint sites

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Hey guys, I'm wondering what are the best practices to connect Dynamics 365 to a SharePoint site as I noticed once I get one module connected, for example sales, everything else gets connected to the same SP site like customer service, field service and so on. I thought it would be best practice to have each one of these to access their own SP site for better permission control at SP level. What do you guys think?

  • Verified answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Best practices connecting D365 to SharePoint sites


    I understand and share your pain. As a possible workaround you can check one of 3-rd parties that are present on the market:

  • Alex_bl Profile Picture
    Alex_bl 5 on at
    RE: Best practices connecting D365 to SharePoint sites

    How would a multinational company handle access permissions then? It feels like you can connect sharepoint to dynamics, but then there is no management at all of this feature.

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Best practices connecting D365 to SharePoint sites


    I believe that OOB integration with Sharepoint was released as a part of v5.0 (DCRM 2011) and was not radically changed since then.

    Applications were shipped as a part of V8.2 (D365).

    As you may see integration with Sharepoint was built without the knowledge of what will happen 5 years after so... it works the way it works. If you want to be altered I'm afraid you will have to either develop your own way or wait for Microsoft to implement it for you.

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