I'm trying to create and sales invoice using eConnect. and I'm getting an error: Error Number = 3441 Stored Procedure taSopLineIvcInsert Error Description = DOCID does not exist for document type. STDINV is in the DOCID and 3 is in the SOPTYPE . I also tried using the sample VB Sales Order Console Application and got the same error among others. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong. below is the XML.
<eConnect xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<eConnectProcessInfo xsi:nil="true" />
<taRequesterTrxDisabler_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taUpdateCreateItemRcd xsi:nil="true" />
<taUpdateCreateCustomerRcd xsi:nil="true" />
<taCreateCustomerAddress_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopSerial_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopLotAuto_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopLineIvcInsertComponent_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopTrackingNum_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopCommissions_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taCreateSopPaymentInsertRecord_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopUserDefined xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taAnalyticsDistribution_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopMultiBin_Items xsi:nil="true" />
<BACHNUMB>SOP Invoices 05-20-2013</BACHNUMB>
<taSopToPopLink xsi:nil="true" />
<taSopUpdateCreateProcessHold xsi:nil="true" />
<taCreateSOPTrackingInfo xsi:nil="true" />
<taMdaUpdate_Items xsi:nil="true" />
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