In the Item Card we have this field called Item Category Code is possible to use this category as dimension in a Sales Report Analysis or just in a regular dimension analysis?
In the Item Card we have this field called Item Category Code is possible to use this category as dimension in a Sales Report Analysis or just in a regular dimension analysis?
Sorry, let me clarify....
l was referring to ( or Power Bi, specifically
What you do not get with wordpress or power bi is financial reporting based on your item category. If you setup as a dimension, you can then do financial analysis by categroy.
To add to other comments. If you want to take the data to Excel ( or Power Bi then you can use that. You basically create a relationship and add a new column to report that uses item category.
Thks :(
Hi, I think this is not possible in standard functions.
But you can manually create a Dimension of Item Category Code to keep them the same value.
You can also do a small customization that automatically updates the default dimension when you update the Item Category Code on the page.
Hope this will help.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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