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Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

Posted on by 35

Good Morning All, 

We have been working with a company in the UK on our deployment. Planning seems to be a huge wall for us as a company. 

Our sales orders are for 1 to 1000 units, some could be multiples of the same or could all be one offs running around 300-400 sales orders across 30 projects at any one time. 

Our routings are few steps ie 5 steps but the timings per item are short - 3 to 15 minutes per routing step per item. 

As our manufacturing is fluid in line with customers changing needs, we have to replan and reschedule a lot and during this time, we could have a job of 500 items, 50 of which are left to design, 100 of which are left to cut, 200 of which are ready to ship to a subcon painting process and with 50 already at the paint plant and 100 delivered to site. Typically, we dont finish a full routing on all items before the next stage is started, and we will often cut work to be fabricated first. 


If we change a date or time in one of the above routing lines, the others update automatically. 

Scheduling wise, we have explored with the current partner and scheduling companies options here around visibility and flexibility. BC wants us to set rules in the system for it to follow such as a 48 hour gap between each stage and use that, but after 2 years of struggling on, not being able to scheudule, unless there is a way that the partners and we havent through it, i think we need to see about rough cut planning. 

Ideally we want to system to manage it all but as a fall back position, we would like to set the routing start date for the released production order, i.e. Design to start on Monday 27th June and the system plan the released order end date, we then want to set the tooling date for Thursday 30th June, then punch Monday 4th July etc etc. We are told the only way to do this is to turn planning off but the partner have never done this before and not sure of the impact. 

We arent BC experts, as end users we just want the system to plan as per its own rules but then where needed, we want to override it on a released production order by released production order basis to set the start dates we know are going to happen and for us to keep a view on the capacity load on the work centres to ensure we are managing them well and if overtime is needed, its justified. 

Has anyone out there had similar issues and have any solutions - its the one last area of the system deployment we are really struggling with. 

So in short, we want / need to be able to update dates at released production order level (not at item level) and for the system not to overwrite what has literally just been done. 

I hope ive explained that well enough, if not, please ask for more information 

  • ccRichard Profile Picture
    ccRichard 35 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    I think the issue here, is that we are looking to change a single date in a sales order line, and it update all of the lines. What is happening is when we go to move the date on the next routing step, its changing all of the previous so its consistently over writing itself based on the new input and over writing what has been done

  • Guy McKenzie Profile Picture
    Guy McKenzie 1,330 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    To be honest, I’m not really certain what your partner means by planning being on or off.

    Think of Business Central as a simple supply and demand ledger. You can choose which items to plan using filters and can ignore any suggestions you don’t like. The planning engine is always there but you can choose not to use it. If you do use it, it will consider all supply and all demand within the date and item parameters you set.

    With regard to your mix of manual and automatic planning. Yes, you should be able to make this work. Planning is demand driven. I.e supply orders are only suggested to fulfil existing demand. Use automated planning to create your supply orders with dates that meet demand.

    Then, when you manually move them to manage your factory capacity, set planning flexibility to none. Planning will now ignore those orders.

    The only gap you now need to manage is if supply date is later than demand. In that case, planning will suggest making more as it isn’t allowed to move the late production order. This is where reservations help as they will warn you of this issue before it happens.

  • ccRichard Profile Picture
    ccRichard 35 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    Thanks for that Guy

    Going back to planning, is it possible to run both automatic and manual planning on a case by case basis - basically the closer we get to the delivery date, the more specific it becomes and the more the system will move away from the automated planning elements and the more manual it becomes.

    Our current partner seems to think planning is on or off and doesnt know the impact of turning it off........

  • Guy McKenzie Profile Picture
    Guy McKenzie 1,330 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    Sounds like you have a lot going on.

    Re the planning worksheet functionality. It may be worth looking at this again. I don’t for one second think it will get right to the bottom of everything you need but, there are some settings that can be controlled.

    It’s panning worksheet only makes suggestions so you can not accept ones that don’t work for you.

    Also, you have something called planning flexibility on supply orders. By default, it is set to unlimited. This allows BC to consider how it can improve dates and quantities. If you change it to none, BC planning will ignore it.

    I could imagine that fixing planning on orders you don’t want to move automatically will enable the rest of planning to work for you. Worth considering anyway.

    With VPS in use to move your activities and planning worksheet managing the initial order creation. I’d like to think you could identify some wins.

  • ccRichard Profile Picture
    ccRichard 35 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. We have been through it with Netronics but its either macro (high level) or micro planning - BC wants to plan the item, we want to plan the order.

    If you refresh a production order with a forward calculation, you then have the dates/times for each routing step to commence. - This is the interesting thing, as the gaps arent consistant between orders - we would like to plan the start time for each of the operations and let the system plan the end and identify the clashes, but we do want to manually plan the start of each.........

    Are you using planning worksheet to reschedule orders or just moving things manually?  We are using BC data translated to Excel at present manually as the production doesnt flow as expected so if we say we want gaps of 1 day. The data in the system expects consistency but we are a reactive environment so static plans dont tie into our business very well. We can spend ages planning but things change in the space of a few hours.

    What we are also told is that BC will replan the order, whether the outputs are complete or not, so if we have a part finished job, replanning will plan the whole again, not sure if this is correct.

    Our partner has said the only way would be to turn planning off and do the whole thing manually, and after 2 years of struggling, anything is better than nothing, but they dont know the impact.

    I think the ideal solution would be for BC to plan as per its rules, and on an order by order basis, make a selection to turn it off and set dates manually

  • Guy McKenzie Profile Picture
    Guy McKenzie 1,330 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    Have you looked at Netronic VPS?

  • Guy McKenzie Profile Picture
    Guy McKenzie 1,330 on at
    RE: Planning In A Discreet Bespoke Environment - Rough Cut Scheduling In BC

    There’s never going to be a simple one dimensional solution to complex planning requirements. But I do think there are some wins to be had.

    If you refresh a production order with a forward calculation, you then have the dates/times for each routing step to commence.

    If you use a visual planner or wait times, you can introduce gaps and start operations when you want.

    It seems that from that point on , you will need to stick to manual planning.

    Are you using planning worksheet to reschedule orders or just moving things manually?

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