Hello guys,
I'm creating an integration between BC and my system, and I need to sync Jobs as Job Tasks, using OData it is possible to filter using the $filter query string.
So far so good, but I'd like to filter by most recent changes, and most of the entities have SystemCreatedAt and SystemModifiedAt fields, but I can't do
GET https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/{{tenantID}}/{{env}}/ODataV4/Job_Task_Lines?$skip=999&$top=10&$filter=SystemModifiedAt gt '2022-01-01'
I got an error
{ "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Could not find a property named 'SystemModifiedAt' on type 'NAV.Job_Task_Lines'. CorrelationId: 56d3ae6a-0877-411a-b2ef-68a0f0b7cd27." } }
Is there another way to filter by changes given a date?