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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

check cleared and paid to wrong vendor

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

How can I change the vendor for a check that has been cleared?

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  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: check cleared and paid to wrong vendor

    Thanks for the clarification.  If you reconciled the check directly in AP then the following SQL command will clear that so you can void it.

    update apdoc set clearamt = 0, cleardate = '01/01/1900', status = 'O' where vended = 'xxxxxx' and doctype = 'HC' and refnbr = 'yyyyyy'

    xxxxxx is the wrong vendor number and yyyyyy is the check number.

    If you reconciled this check in either Cash Manager or Bank Reconciliation then there is a bit more work to do but you did not indicate that.

    If you do go this route voiding the original check and enter a new hand check to the correct vendor you do know you will not be able to use the same check number, correct?

    I might be tempted to just change the vendor id on the existing apdoc and aptran records by executing the following:

    update apdoc set vendid = 'zzzzzz' where vended = 'xxxxxx' and refnbr = 'yyyyyy' and doctype = 'HC'

    update aptran set vendid = 'zzzzzz' where vended = 'xxxxxx' and refnbr = 'yyyyyy' and trantype = 'HC'

    in this case xxxxxx is the wrong vendor id and zzzzzz is the correct vendor id.

    You can then turn on initialize mode and edit the two vendors history accordingly.  If neither is a 1099 vendor then editing history is only for cosmetic reasons.  If either of these vendors is a 1099 vendor then you may also need to adjust the boxnbr field in the aptran record if that was not set correctly when the manual check was entered.

    Going the later route simply fixes up the data as if it were entered correctly in the first place but leaves no audit trail as to what actually occurred.

    Finally, executing SQL update statements should be done with caution.  If you are not familiar with doing this, start the command with a begin transaction line and execute that line and the update line.  If the result is what you expected (1 record updated on the apdoc and 2 or a few more updated on the aptran, then execute a commit transaction line.  If you get an unexpected record count, execute a rollback transaction line and seek some more assistance.

    If you used Bank Reconciliation or Cash Manager to reconcile that hand check and you go with the first option, let me know and we can discuss.

    Good luck and tread carefully.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: check cleared and paid to wrong vendor

    It was a hand check and was paid to the correct company it was entered into the wrong vendor in SL and reconciled. how do I reset the reconciled flag on the check document?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: check cleared and paid to wrong vendor

    If the check has cleared do you mean you reconciled it in SL or that it has cleared the bank?  If the later, then the vendor who cashed it owes you a refund and you would simply enter a new voucher for the correct vendor and cut a new check.  When you get the refund you would then make a JE entry debiting cash and crediting the expense account(s) hit by the original invoice.  If the wrong vendor is a 1099 vendor then you will need to edit the 1099 history for that vendor.  If it has cleared the bank you do not want to void that original check.

    If you meant that the check is reconciled but not cashed, you can reset the reconciled flag on the check document and then void it.  You can then issue a debit adjustment to the wrong vendor and produce a zero check to that vendor, enter the voucher against the correct vendor and cut a new check.  If you need help clearing the reconciled flag on the original check.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: check cleared and paid to wrong vendor

    To confirm: The voucher was entered to the wrong vendor, the check was issued to that same wrong vendor, that wrong vendor cashed the check and then you cleared that check in Cash Manager (or A/P Check Recon.)?

    Since that erroneous check has been cleared, there's not a lot you can do with it, other than ask that wrong vendor for your money back. But right now, you have a debit to expense and a credit to cash on your books to the wrong vendor and that needs to be rectified. You could create that wrong vendor as a customer in A/R & then enter an A/R Invoice, with the "Revenue" account representing the original Expense account used in the original voucher, and perhaps even over-riding the default A/R account to something different.  Then just record it as a Cash Receipt if/when that vendor re-pays you. Or just enter the eventual (& hopeful!) Cash Receipt from the wrong vendor as a GL entry, debit to cash & credit to the original expense account.

    Meanwhile, you'll still need to process a new voucher to the proper vendor and issue a new check.

    Good luck!


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