Deal all,
Business Scenario:
Using Dynamics 365 Marketing in a Multichannel scenario can result in a situation when a Customer registers for a newsletter (Subscription list) where he is already a member of.
This can happen for example when utilizing the Newsletter Registration with a webshop. The Customer can decide not to register at the webshop but place the order as a guest user / guest customer.
He can register also for a Newsletter when placing the order. Each Guest Customer is separate record from the financial perspective.
When a Newsletter-Registration is placed on a Marketing-Website, the Duplicate-Detection of D365 Marketing verifies during the registration-process (e.g. with the E-Mail-Address) if a record is already existing in the Database and if the record is a member of the subscription list. If true, the process will not add the record a second time or see (in my case a Double opt in email, due to law requirements). That good.
If the application identifies that for the Contact-records is already member of the subscription list, I would like to send an email to the Customer telling him that he has registered for our newsletter, but he is already a member of the newsletter-list.
Question is: How to do that ?
Hi AHoegen,
Thank you for your callout regarding documentation. We will review the page and add more context to it based on your suggestion.
Please mark the thread as answered if your questions were answered and you don't need further assistance.
Thank you
Best Regards
Martin Kovac, Dynamics 365 Marketing Engineering team.
Hi AHoegen ,
Have you achieved it with Flow?
I created a demo and it works well:
But it seems that we couldn't specify condition when a record is created,
but we could add another check condition component to specify whether the new record is from marketing form because the source marketing form field will be populated automatically.
Thanks Clofly Mao,
your approach is good - but its related to the duplicate detection of CRM / CE.
When information ist added not in the App but (in my case) via a marketing page the duplicate detection of Dynamics Marketing itself is used and not the one from CE.
The documentation regarding this feature is very weak but we could achieve some conclusions through testing:
1. Dynamcis Marketing Detection happens in Insights (Markting) - not in CE itself.
2. The duplicate detection does not create the 2nd record first and then triggers the duplicate check - it triggers the check when the user enters the data and sends it from the webpage. It also indicates that it does not use the CRM API for that.
The wording on the link above also states this behavior: (...) A record is created or updated: The system checks for duplicates when a user enters or updates records. (..)
Your suggested solution using flow seems for me a good solution - if the necessary action / step is available to trigger on this event.
Hi AHoegen,
From your description, were your integrating marketing form into your own CMS website ?
In my thought, there would be 2 methods:
1. Create a plug-in, add duplicate detection and send email action in it for input contacts.
Entity contact = (Entity)pluginContext.InputParameters["Target"];
then work with RetrieveDuplicatesRequest class:
var request = new RetrieveDuplicatesRequest { BusinessEntity = contact, MatchingEntityName = contact.LogicalName, }; var response = (RetrieveDuplicatesResponse) service.Execute(request);
Once response.DuplicateCollection.Entities.Count > 0, then send email to input contact, finally throw an error to break creation.
step 1: how to build plug-in:
step 2: work with RetrieveDuplicatesRequest:
step 3: send email request:
2. Achieve it in Flow:
While start point is still when a record is created in marketing application.
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