We have a strange situation where some of our larger clients who have many divisions insist that each division be treated as a separate company. In most cases, they pay their bills with separate checks for each division. Sometimes, they send one check that covers several divisions. Due to the nature of our business, the amount owed by each of these large clients can be subject to constant adjustment to the point that between the time we bill and they pay the amount can change. We usually post what we can and work with them to understand why they paid what they paid.
The problem comes when we get one of these joint checks (for multiple customers). They don't always send guidance as to how much to apply to each division/customer until a few weeks later. Is there an easy way to post an unapplied cash receipt to a customer and then to move it to another customer? We are new to GP so we don't know all of the ins and outs of the application. We are currently using national accounts because under each of these divisions/customers is another level of customer that we need to track.
Thanks for your help.
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