Hi all!
I have following issue in new partition. I've created and confirm purchase order. Then I create invoice and try to post it. System don't give me any info messages? but when o try to view a financila vaucher, I see that my purchase invoice is not posted and it is in "pending invoices" and I can't do anything with it, only delete.
This is first PO & invoice in new partition, so I believe that this is parameters problem.
*This post is locked for comments
Thanks to all who was trying to help me!
Its seems to me that I've resolved this issue.. In my PO field "posting profile" was empty. When I populate it in AP\AP parameters\Ledger and Sales tax\Posting\Posting profile - its begin to populate in a new PO and subledger entries appeared.
dual warehouse feature is off:
Its not live environment, so I will try to turn off dual warehouse features right now.
Hi Vadym,
Some time ago I had a look at the dual warehouse feature as it allows an out of the box double inventory valuation e.g. fifo & weighted average. (see e.g. dynamicsax-fico.com/.../dual-warehouse)
Yet, I believe that this feature cannot simply be used in other country environments without some considerable system modifications. If you look at the code behind you will notice that the whole thing goes quickly and deeply into the tax framework. This is a point where I would say that you should either ask the help of an experienced developer who helps you adjusting the dual warehouse feature for your country or who develops something specific for you.
You can try going ahead with this setup but the risk that something will go wrong is high and I would thus not recommend that you use this in a live environment.
Best regards,
In Contoso Russia everything works on same server, but another partition.
Hi Vadym,
For which country is your company setup?
Seems that you enabled the Russian dual warehouse feature, is that right?
If so, several additional setups are necessary to get things posted e.g. an inventory posting profile needs to be setup, etc. etc.
If you have the chance, then i would suggest that you take a look at the Russian contoso company and how the inventory posting is setup there in order to do you Setup and test it.
However,I would suggest you not suggest using the dual warehouse feature without the help of a developer in a live Environment if your are not operating in the countries for which the Feature was developed for.
Best regards,
Ludwig, I have uploaded video on youtube and posted link here (upper).
Hi Vadym,
Can you alternatively share a bunch of screenprints?
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