Hi there USD people!
I'm currently buildig a USD solution for one of our customers. It is going well so far but there is one thing that I cannot seem to get right: parsing parameters from a url.
What I want to do:
I want the user to be able to select a CRM record from a list (a case from a list of cases from an associated view), and I want to store the id for that selected case in the session so that I associate the current activity with that case.
What I tried to do:
I tried to create a window navigation rule, so that when a case is selected (either by clicking the link or doubleclicking the case), I can do a FetchXml based on the selected search. However, the action data that I get looks like this: "url"="myorg.crm4.dynamics.com/main.aspx;extraqs=%3fetc%3d112%26id%3d%257bE08AF044-F9E9-E611-80F8-5065F38A4A21%257d&histKey=192025612&newWindow=true&pagetype=entityrecord".
I just want to parse the Id from this url. I know that it should be possible to do this, because when creating a new session for example, USD knows which Contact or Account I selected. I tried I lot of combinations to use as a replacement paramets ([[Id]], [[incident.Id]], etc. etc.).
I hope I explained myself clearly. Would really appreciate if someone knows the answer to this.
Have a nice day :)
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