We have been moving from FRx to Management Reporter and we lost a lot of our account sets that used the full account code. For example...
Full Account Codes we do want in Set-XYZ
- 0-00-0001-0-0
- 0-00-0005-0-0
- 0-00-0001-0-1
- 0-00-0005-0-1
Full Account Codes we do not want included in Set-XYZ
- 0-00-0001-1-0
- 0-00-0005-1-0
- 0-01-0001-0-0
- 0-01-0005-0-0
In the example, we want
Segment1 = [0], Segment2 = [00], Segment3 = [0001,0005], Segment4 = [0], Segment5 = [0,1]
for the set, or more simply,
FullAccountCode = [0-00-0001-0-0, 0-00-0005-0-0, 0-00-0001-0-1,0-00-0005-0-1]
If we define a Dimension Value Set on Segment3 or Segment5 alone, we will get a lot of unwanted accounts. Is there a way to define sets for either the full account or for specific combinations of more than one dimension?
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