Does anybody have a definitive method for setting up Xendesktop 7.15 to work with the Outlook CRM 2016 client or is this just an impossible setup. The following is the verbiage from the client who is trying to set it up themselves.
We are using Xendesktop 7.15 to publish a standard desktop to all of our users. Users are not able to make any changes to the desktop they login to. Their files and profiles are provisioned via Citrix to their desktop once they login. If they try to make any changes and succeed, the next time they login it will be gone, as the VMs do not store any changes.
Not all of the users will be using the CRM add-in for Outlook. So I decided to publish a version of outlook with the CRM add-in via Xenapp 7.15. This outlook they are accessing is being provisioned via our 2 Citrix APP servers. To our users it appears as if the application is on the desktop but when they launch it, they are essentially just running the application from the Citrix APP servers.
The issue I have with the steps that are given by Microsoft is that users will need to make registry changes every time they login. The HKCU is not static for them. It is grabbed from the master image I update. This goes back to not wanting to make a change to my entire organization in order to satisfy 8-10 users. In addition, the load time of this application via XenApp is approximately 1~2 minutes because of some initializing connection with Dynamics online.
My initial thoughts are that this add-in should be installed to the master image but I have not been able to find a way to suppress the dynamics prompt users get once they login. In addition, it appears every time they launch outlook. I would not have a problem with this add-in sitting on the master image if we found a way to suppress this prompt;
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