I am working on cross domain calls in Dynamics CRM. I am testing one of the tutorial available on the web that says how to make cross domain calls. This is first time I am working on cross domain calls from CRM.
I create the Java Script file and insert function callTheJsonp().
Then create HTML web resource and call the function from there.
But when page load it just shows the text i.e.
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE> <SCRIPT src="servername/.../jquery1.7.2.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> function callTheJsonp() { //debugger; // the url of the script where we send the asynchronous call //var url = "openexchangerates.org/.../latest.json"; jQuery.getJSON("api.twitter.com/.../user_timeline.json", { include_entities: "true", include_rts: "true", screen_name: "edwardsdna" }, function(data) { alert(data[0].text); }); } } </SCRIPT> <META charset=utf-8></HEAD> <BODY onload=callTheJsonp() contentEditable=true>hey hey</BODY></HTML>
I am new to the cross domain can anyone please help me to sort out.
Thanks in advance
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