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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

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Our DBA changed the "sa" password.  Now, the Management Reporter Configuration Console will not open.

What do we do?


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  • Althea ADS Profile Picture
    Althea ADS on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    This worked for me - many thanks!!!  Was spending way too much time on this and they did not have an export of reports to rebuild.  They do now....

  • RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    Management Reporter was throwing a .netframework error.  When I checked the log, I found it was a login problem with 'sa'.  After some research found that sa password had changed.  Found this post and it worked.  Thanks so much for this.

  • Suggested answer
    TSMurphy Profile Picture
    TSMurphy 372 on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    This procedure worked for our installations.  Note that our installs were done as 'Microsoft Dynamics GP Legacy' but reading the forum, sounds like a few steps seemed logical for a datamart install. 

    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Services and make a copy of the ‘MRServiceHost.connections.config’ file.
    2. Edit the ‘MRServiceHost.connections.config’ file.
    3. Change Integrated Security=False to True if not already set.
    4. Delete the UserID=<?>; Password=…..and the hash characters following but leaving Encrypt=False at the end.
      1. Note: steps 3 and 4 would be true if the install was done using User id and password during the Database configuration section and not using Windows authentication.
    5. Save file and close.
    6. Open SQL SSMS and navigate to Security > Logins and change ‘sa’ password to production version.
    7. Open Services and restart both Management Reporter 2012 (Application & Process) services.
    8. Verify if worked correctly by opening MR Configuration Console.  If it opens without error and can navigate within the window, it is working.
    9. Open Report Designer.
    10. You should receive the prompt to enter User name & Password.  Enter new credentials.  Check the box to ‘Save my credentials’ and click <OK>.
    11. It should open to display.  Seeing reports under the ‘Report Definitions’ folder is a good sign
    12. If a terminal server is also being used.  No modifications need to be done to the ‘MRServiceHost.connections.config’ file.  Log in and open Report Designer on that server(s).  You are wanting to see the same results as from the DB server.

    This may not be exactly your setup but the testing around with the file and accounts should resolve the issue.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    I resolved this by (1) uninstalling the Management Reporter server components on the application server and (2) rebuilding the data mart using a Windows Authenticated user in the portion of the configuration window that "tells" MR to create the ManagementReporterDM database.  

    I simply had our DBA temporarily make the MR service account user that I login as to be "sysadmin" in SQL.

    Once I uninstalled the server components and reinstalled, I was at least able to get into the Configuration Console to rebuild the Data Mart.

    Thanks for the help, everyone!


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    Read through this previous thread.

  • RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    I got past the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling MR server components.  Now, when I try to create the application and process services again, I get this message:  Connection string must use Windows Authentication when verifying a connection under impersonation.  Parameter name ConnectionString.  Any ideas?

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    John, you made a simple ID 10 T error. Our clients do this all the time. As resellers we never make any mistakes(if you believe that I have some swampland down in Louisiana for you). As I said before you need to get your IT team and your partner involved here. I am sure you have reports you want to generate and there is only so much we can do in this forum. I offer my services but I will defer to your partner and give them first dibs.

  • RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    Yes, I had already done that.  No dice.

  • MattPaulen Profile Picture
    MattPaulen 6,912 on at
    RE: Changing the "sa" Password--Now MR Configuratino Console Will Not Open

    Have you attempted to restart the two Management Reporter services manually?  You can get to them like other services under the Administrative Tools in Windows.

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