RE: PM Computer Check not Appearing in Bank Reconciliation Module
It sounds like you experienced some sort of posting interruption, which would explain why you see the checks in two of the three places you are looking.
I recommend you have your GP consultant look into this a bit, just to confirm there are no other issues.
The best recommendation I can make is to actually try voiding & re-processing the check(s), to ensure they post correctly. If you do not wish to do so, one alternative would be to enter "dummy" decrease adjustments in the bank module. You could post both your debit & your credit to the same GL account so that the GL would not be affected. This would put your checkbook back in balance with your GL, and allow you to complete your bank reconciliation.
Again, the preferred option would be the more involved process of voiding & reprocessing. I offer this alternative only in the event that you want a more expeditious solution.
Good luck!