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Purchase invoice G/L description

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Hi all,
One of my tasks is to approve purchase invoices. In order to see the G/L account to which the costs are being booked, I have to click on the G/L number. Is there a way to have the G/L description on the first screen?
  • Verified answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 14,028 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Purchase invoice G/L description
    You could achieve this by developing an extension in which an additional read-only field is created, using an lookup type of flowfield field to obtain the name of the accounting account when the line type is accounting account.
    Best regards
  • Joel95 Profile Picture
    Joel95 207 on at
    Purchase invoice G/L description
    Thank you for helping me :)

    @Tanya07, when I go to the invoice I see the columns 'No.' and 'Description/comment'. The name of the G/L is 'kantoorkosten' but I can't see this without clicking on the number. It would be nice to see the name 'kantoorkosten' in an extra column next to 'No.'.
    @HVGEEL, Thank you for your response, you've accurately identified the issue. It might be due to my limited English skills or my knowledge about Business Central, but I don't understand the following part of the text. 
    "more practical way for the approver is to check the posting preview... it sums up all the registrations per G/L account." Where can I find the posting preview?
    "Best practice is to create a set of Resources that use a Gen Prod Posting Group referring to the required G/L account." How does this work?
  • Suggested answer
    HVGEEL Profile Picture
    HVGEEL 286 on at
    Purchase invoice G/L description
    This is a sub-optimal proces: the user always needs to select a G/L account from the list, which is errorprone... and requires work for the approver in order to validate all Accounts. Tedious and time-consuming.
    The end-user did the correct job: they changed the description to match what was actually purchased... thus replacing the original G/L name.
    Other... and more practical way for the approver is to check the posting preview... it sums up all the registrations per G/L account.
    Best practice is to create a set of Resources that use a Gen Prod Posting Group referring to the required G/L account.
    In that case, G/L account selection is no longer an issue for the user (and the approver).
  • tanya07 Profile Picture
    tanya07 1,600 on at
    Purchase invoice G/L description
    where do you want to see the G/L acc name ? 

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