I have created below query to retrieve item attribute values. In the query API, I get the items and the values that are connected to them.
query 60116 /itemAttributeValue/
QueryType = API;
APIPublisher = 'ND';
APIGroup = 'apigroup';
APIVersion = 'v1.1';
Caption = 'itemAttributeValue';
EntityName = 'itemAttributeValue';
EntitySetName = 'itemAttributeValue';
dataitem(Item; Item)
column(No_; /No./)
column(Description; Description)
dataitem(Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping; /Item Attribute Value Mapping/)
DataItemLink = /No./ = Item./No./;
column(Item_Attribute_ID; /Item Attribute ID/)
column(Item_Attribute_Value_ID; /Item Attribute Value ID/)
dataitem(QueryElement6; /Item Attribute/)
DataItemLink = ID = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping./Item Attribute ID/;
column(Name; Name)
dataItem(Queryelement10; /Item Attribute Value/)
DataItemLink = /Attribute ID/ = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping./Item Attribute ID/,
ID = Item_Attribute_Value_Mapping./Item Attribute Value ID/;
column(Value; Value)
column(Numeric_Value; /Numeric Value/)
However, we use item attribute values a lot in the company and this table has a total of 100.000+ records. This seems to be a problem when using API in Business Central.
Has anyone a solution to bypass the record limits of 20.000 when using a API get request?