Re: Dynamics GP Fixed Assets vs. Sage FAS.
I talked to Sage today about FAS. I have a couple of clients who use an older version of the software (they got it when BEST owned it) so I thought I'd do a little more research for you.
I remember FAS as being drop-dead better than the FA system used by GP. This was before GP bought the Forestare fixed assets system. GP's fixed asset system has improved, but it's a far cry from FAS.
FAS does not have any competitve collateral, but you can get a brochure that lists major features. I would take those brochures (FAS 100 and FAS 500) and try lining them up with GP. FAS has a link to GP, meaning it will create a text file that you can import into GL if you have a means to integrate.
A big downside to FAS is that it doesn't integrate with Dynamics PO or Payables.
Something that Sage seems to understand and Microsoft doesn't, is the need to produce the necessary tax forms. Sage will give you the following IRS forms:
• 3468
• 4255
• 4562
• 4626
• 4797
It has been able to do that for years and years.
I'm not sure this helps very much, but I thought I'd pass it along.
Kind regards,