We are getting this error when trying to release a Issue Batch that was created by the Service Call Module, Generate Inventory Screen (SD30600). We are currently running 2011 FP1 SP2.
Processing: Batch: 155714
Fatal SQL Error: 515
Cannot insert the value NULL into column '%.*ls', table '%.*ls'; column does not allow nulls. %ls fails.
Processing: Batch: 155714
Error occurred in Batch 155714, InTran record 800773 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - Invoice(#7)
Processing: Batch: 155714
Error occurred in Batch 155714, InTran record 800773 while executing the following procedure: SCMINTran - ReleaseTran(#8)
Processing: Batch: 155714
Error occurred in Batch 155714 while executing the following procedure: SCMBatch - ReleaseBatch(#2)
Processing: Batch: 155714
System Message 838: not released - it has been put on hold.
Has anyone experienced this error before and corrected it?