RE: Reprinting "Bank Deposit Posting Journal"
1. Go to Inquiry-->Financial-->Checkbook_Register to find the deposit. Unfortunately you can not reprint the deposit from here. But you need the deposit number. Record the deposit number.
2. Go to Transactions-->Financials-->Bank_Deposits. Type in the checkbook ID that you are using. Normally, the Deposit Number field auto-populates with the next number. Type over this field with the deposit number you recorded in step 1.
3. You will get a message that reads "The deposit already has been posted to this checkbook. Choose continue to display the posted transaction for voiding." Choose continue (we are not going to void it). You will see your posted transaction. You can now press the print button and reprint the deposit. Do NOT press the void button. Once you have printed your deposit, just press the "x" button on the top right to close the Bank Deposit window.