I'm receiving an error mentioned in a previous thread:
"The Tax Posting Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Tax Bus. Posting Group ='TAXABLE' Tax Prod. Posting Group ='TAXABLE'"
The solution provided in that thread (RE: Tax Posting Setup does not exist. Identification Fields and values: Tax. Bus Posting Group=", Tax Prod. Posting Group) mentioned that these Tax Posting Groups had not been set up - seeming to indicate that much like Business and Product Posting Groups, Tax Posting Groups were something I could simply search for, open, and configure. Although I am able to access Tax Setup, Tax Areas, and several other areas related to tax, there does not seem to be a straight path to these posting groups. When I search for Tax Posting Groups, it isn't there as an option.
We are currently on version 15.0.36560.0. Was there a change, or am I just missing something?
Thanks everyone!