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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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Tax Posting Groups

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I'm receiving an error mentioned in a previous thread:

"The Tax Posting Setup does not exist.  Identification fields and values:  Tax Bus. Posting Group ='TAXABLE' Tax Prod. Posting Group ='TAXABLE'"

The solution provided in that thread (RE: Tax Posting Setup does not exist. Identification Fields and values: Tax. Bus Posting Group=", Tax Prod. Posting Group) mentioned that these Tax Posting Groups had not been set up - seeming to indicate that much like Business and Product Posting Groups, Tax Posting Groups were something I could simply search for, open, and configure.  Although I am able to access Tax Setup, Tax Areas, and several other areas related to tax, there does not seem to be a straight path to these posting groups.  When I search for Tax Posting Groups, it isn't there as an option.

We are currently on version 15.0.36560.0.  Was there a change, or am I just missing something?

Thanks everyone!


  • Joel Darnell Profile Picture
    Joel Darnell 15 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Thanks Teddy!  This was definitely part of the solution :)

    As an update, we were able to use this measure as a way to sidestep the bug.  We imported table 325, and then unchecked 'Auto Insert Default' on all of the General Business and General Product Posting groups.  Doing one or the other of these things didn't fix it, but doing them together did.  So we are now able to post transactions without running into the error.

    Thanks everyone for your help.


  • Suggested answer
    Teddy Herryanto (That NAV Guy) Profile Picture
    Teddy Herryanto (Th... 13,023 Moderator on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    While waiting for the bug fix, you can try using configuration package to export and import the value.

    Table is 323, 324, and 325.

  • Joel Darnell Profile Picture
    Joel Darnell 15 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Appreciate the information, thank you :).  I had created a test company in the previous version and everything worked fine, so for now that's where we'll continue to work.

    Thanks again!

  • Suggested answer
    lclaytor Profile Picture
    lclaytor 10 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Hi Joel,

    I opened a ticket with Microsoft Support on this issue, and just got confirmation that this is a bug and their development team is working on fixing it. They hope to deploy a fix in the next few days.

  • lclaytor Profile Picture
    lclaytor 10 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    We are also having this problem with version 15.0.37725.0. We can't get to Tax Posting Setup, Tax Bus. Posting Setup, or Tax Prod. Posting Setup pages.

    We did end up finding Tax Posting Setup in the new "Explore" functionality. (You can get to this by clicking "Try Exploring" at the bottom of the Search box.)

    But when we open the page, we get a blank, un-editable page




    My extension developer believes it is a coding error in the Microsoft page object. Unfortunately, we can't fix that without invention from Microsoft.

  • Joel Darnell Profile Picture
    Joel Darnell 15 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Good morning,

    Following that path, I don't get a Tax group or option.  Here is what I have available:


    When I go into the General Ledger Posting, I get options for General Posting Setup, General Business Posting Groups, and General Product Posting Groups.  If I go into either the business or product posting groups they display a Tax Posting Group Column like this:


    When I select one of the options in the Tax Posting Group column and click on "Select from full list", it opens the following table:


    It looks like I should be able to do some setup here, however there's nothing to do.  I can only literally add the code and description.  Even Edit in Excel just gives me these 2 columns.  So unfortunately I'm still stuck...

  • Suggested answer
    Teddy Herryanto (That NAV Guy) Profile Picture
    Teddy Herryanto (Th... 13,023 Moderator on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Go to General Ledger Setup, click on Navigate.

    There should be a group called Tax there, try accessing it from there.

  • Joel Darnell Profile Picture
    Joel Darnell 15 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Yes, I am.  Access shouldn't be an issue I wouldn't think.

  • Suggested answer
    Teddy Herryanto (That NAV Guy) Profile Picture
    Teddy Herryanto (Th... 13,023 Moderator on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Do you have access to it ? Are you SUPER user ?

  • Joel Darnell Profile Picture
    Joel Darnell 15 on at
    RE: Tax Posting Groups

    Thanks Teddy,

    Unfortunately Tax Posting Setup does not appear in the search function, and there isn't a GST or VAT setup option.  According to Microsoft's own documentation, we should be able to use the search function to look up Tax Bus. Posting Group and Tax Prod. Posting Group.  Yet they don't appear.

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