Hello, everyone
I am making an extension of the Sales Shipment report in BC adding 3 columns (custom fields) to the Shipment Lines but when I generate the report I don't get the information that I can see in the Posted Form in BC. I have also added some custom fields in the Shipment header and when I generate the report I get the corresponding information. Can you help me to give me an idea of what I have wrong? This is the code I have.
The red ones are the custom fields in Shipment Header and the Blue ones are the custom field in the Lines.
Here´s the AL Code we are using:
reportextension 50106 RE_SalesShipment extends /Sales Shipment NA/
RDLCLayout = './SalesShipmentNA.rdlc';
// Add changes to dataitems and columns here
column(Item_Details; TempSalesShipmentLines./Item Details/)
column(ItemDetailsLbl; ItemDetailsLbl)
column(LineNo; TempSalesShipmentLines.LineNo)
column(Line_No; LineNoLbl)
column(labelLine; TempSalesShipmentLines.labelLine)
column(Label_Line; LabelLineLbl)
add(/Sales Shipment Header/)
column(DealerContact; DealerContact)
column(Dealer_Contact; DealerContactLbl)
column(Project; Project)
column(ProjectLbl; ProjectLbl)
// Add changes to the requestpage here
TempSalesShipmentLines: Record /Sales Shipment Line/ temporary;
ItemDetailsLbl: Label 'Item Details';
LabelLineLbl: Label 'Label Line';
LineNoLbl: Label 'Line No.';
DealerContactLbl: Label 'Dealer Contact';
ProjectLbl: Label 'Project';
Best Regards