Hello all,
I have created an SSRS dataset that I need to filter the dates on base on the user's selection when they run the report from SL.
Using =CDate(Code.RIPARAM("RepBegDate")) and =CDate(Code.RIPARAM("RepEndDate")) in the Between function, I cannot get the end date to be included in the report.
In order to trick it, I changed the end date part of the filter to: =dateadd("d", 1, CDate(Code.RIPARAM("RepEndDate"))) to bump the date to the next day, and this works in the previewer.
When the report is run through SL however, the end date is still not included in the report - as if the DateAdd function is being ignored through ROISSRS.
For now I have the user running the report by selecting a date one day beyond the date of interest.
Has anyone else run across this and solved it?
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