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Hide Reopen Opportunity button based on Teams

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Could someone help me figure out what I must be doing wrong?
In a Dev instance, I am trying to hide the 'Reopen Opportunity' Button on the closed opportunity record to restrict it to users who are members of owner team with the team id value of 2df71575-xxxxxxxxxx'
I 've associated the JS to the Opportunity form, and I am not getting no client side script errors.
function hideReopenOpportunityButtonOnClosedOpportunity(executionContext) {    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();    var opportunityStatus = formContext.getAttribute(/msdyn_forecastcategory/).getValue();    var ownerTeamId = '2df71575-2c18-ef11-9f89-6045bda21d2c'; // The specific owner team ID    //     if (opportunityStatus === 100000005) {        var currentUserId = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings.userId.replace(/{/, //).replace(/}/, //);        // Fetch the teams the current user is a member of        fetchUserTeams(currentUserId).then(function(teams) {            var isMemberOfOwnerTeam = teams.some(function(team) {                return team.teamid.toLowerCase() === ownerTeamId.toLowerCase();            });            if (!isMemberOfOwnerTeam) {                // Hide the /Reopen Opportunity/ button                hideReopenOpportunityButton(formContext);            }        }).catch(function(error) {            console.log(error.message);        });    }}function fetchUserTeams(currentUserId) {    var query = //systemusers(/ + currentUserId + /)/teammembership_association/;    return Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(/team/, query).then(function(result) {        return result.entities;    });}function hideReopenOpportunityButton(formContext) {    var reopenButton = formContext.ui.controls.get(/Reopen Opportunity/);    if (reopenButton) {        reopenButton.setVisible(false);    }}
Expected behaviour- Test user (not a member of User Team) should not see Reopen Opportunity button 
Actual behaviour - Test User is seeing the Reopen Button
Button command properties and solution layer on the command is not showing unmanged layer
However, button itself has the expected unmanged customization
Ribbon workbench set up as below
Ribbon diff xml
<?xml version=/1.0/ encoding=/utf-16/?><RibbonDiffXml xmlns:xsd=/ xmlns:xsi=/>  <CustomActions>    <CustomAction Id=/vinu.Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.CustomAction/ Location=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.MainTab.Actions.Controls._children/ Sequence=/5/>      <CommandUIDefinition>        <Button Alt=/$LocLabels:Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.Alt/ Command=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp/ Id=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp/ Image32by32=//_imgs/ribbon/ReopenOpportunity_32.png/ Image16by16=//_imgs/ribbon/ReopenOpportunity_16.png/ LabelText=/$LocLabels:Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.LabelText/ Sequence=/5/ TemplateAlias=/o1/ ToolTipTitle=/$LocLabels:Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.ToolTipTitle/ ToolTipDescription=/$LocLabels:Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.ToolTipDescription/ ModernImage=/ReOpenOpportunity/ />      </CommandUIDefinition>    </CustomAction>  </CustomActions>  <Templates>    <RibbonTemplates Id=/Mscrm.Templates/ />  </Templates>  <CommandDefinitions>    <CommandDefinition Id=/vinu.opportunity.Command0.Command/>      <EnableRules>        <EnableRule Id=/vinu.opportunity.EnableRule0.EnableRule/ />      </EnableRules>      <DisplayRules />      <Actions>        <JavaScriptFunction FunctionName=/hideReopenOpportunityButtonOnClosedOpportunity/ Library=/$webresource:crc3e_hideReopenV2/ />      </Actions>    </CommandDefinition>  </CommandDefinitions>  <RuleDefinitions>    <TabDisplayRules />    <DisplayRules />    <EnableRules>      <EnableRule Id=/vinu.opportunity.EnableRule0.EnableRule/>        <CustomRule FunctionName=/hideReopenOpportunityButtonOnClosedOpportunity/ Library=/$webresource:crc3e_hideReopenV2/ Default=/false/ InvertResult=/false/ />      </EnableRule>    </EnableRules>  </RuleDefinitions>  <LocLabels>    <LocLabel Id=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.LabelText/>      <Titles>        <Title description=/Reopen Opportunity/ languagecode=/1033/ />      </Titles>    </LocLabel>    <LocLabel Id=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.ToolTipTitle/>      <Titles>        <Title description=/Reopen Opportunity/ languagecode=/1033/ />      </Titles>    </LocLabel>    <LocLabel Id=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.ToolTipDescription/>      <Titles>        <Title description=/Reopen this opportunity to make it active and continue working on it./ languagecode=/1033/ />      </Titles>    </LocLabel>    <LocLabel Id=/Mscrm.Form.opportunity.ReopenOpp.Alt/>      <Titles>        <Title description=/Reopen Opportunity/ languagecode=/1033/ />      </Titles>    </LocLabel>  </LocLabels></RibbonDiffXml>

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