For a custom service class, which usually we tested it from Postman, how to debug it in development VM ?
As per my understanding, to test in Postman, I have to create environment and input the credentials for D365 FO application like TenantId, ClientId, secret key, secret value, etc, example below:
The D365 FO that we called is the cloud hosted with the custom service class we already deployed.
But in Development VM, we connect to local installation, to load D365 FO also we're using https://usnconeboxax1aos.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/ , how is the setting to make Postman can call service to this local D365 FO, so then I can debug when it is being called.
Should we create new environment in that Postman but put the resource address to that https://usnconeboxax1aos ? what about the rest of the setting like TenantId, ClientID, etc ?
I'm a newbie on this, so a bit blank what is the necessary thing to do.