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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

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I have assigned many leads to our sales team. Now I want to do following:

1. Assign tasks for each of the lead to be followed up by the respective owner such that the Task owner should be same as Lead owner. Is there a automated way or quick fix?

2. Once a task is assigned the respective lead owner should get an email notification.

Please suggest the best possible way. At this point the former issue is of priority. 

Appreciate if you could please guide me through. 



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  • Suggested answer
    AbhiCode Profile Picture
    AbhiCode 492 on at
    RE: Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

    Hi Sarat,

    Point 1:

    Lead and task entity having a parent relationship means when lead records assign to another user then all related records will be assigned to same.


    In above screen shown, a lead owner is "CRM Admin" and related task also owned by "CRM Admin".Now I will assign this record to another user.


    Assign record to another user and now lead record owner and related task record will change.


    As lead record and the task will assign to the same user.

    Point 2:-
    Create a workflow on a lead entity. Setting -> Process -> New

    a. Put the name of workflow
    b. Choose the category as "WorkFlow"

    c. Choose Entity "lead"
    Then click on ok and put the value as shown in below screens.



    Now save and active it. Workflow will trigger on assign record. 

    Bulk assign using an advanced find



  • RE: Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

    Hi Sarat,

    Based on my understanding, the default relationship between lead and task are parental, which means if you assign the lead to some one, all the associated child tasks will automatically assign to the same user or team.

    Unless you have updated this default relationship or you are create task with some custom relationship, your first requirement is the out of box function of CRM. In addition, if you are using custom relathioship, you can configure the assign cascade same as default one to meet your requirement.

    For requirment 2, I thik Andreas's answer is perfect, especially the import data to trigger workflow idea is genius. But you can also try with Workflow Execution Manager from MSCRM ToolKit to run the on demand workflow for all your records. In this case, you don't need to create new field or import dummy data into CRM.

    Check below link for more details about how to do it:

  • Verified answer
    Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

    Hi Sarat,

    here some links with samples and guidance:



  • RE: Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

    Thanks Andreas,

    I am new to MSD CRM. Is there a place where I can see how Workflows are defined and created?

  • Suggested answer
    Andreas Cieslik Profile Picture
    Andreas Cieslik 9,267 on at
    RE: Bulk Assign Tasks and notify users

    Hi Sarat,

    you could create a workflow which creates your required tasks for each lead and set the task owner to the lead owner.

    Secondly, in the same workflow you could define a send email action which will send a notification to the lead owner.

    With advanced find you could select all the leads you need page by page and call the workflow for this selection.

    Or you could define your workflow to fire on the update of a follow up field on the lead entity. In the workflow run conditions you could check if the follow up flag(field) was changed and if it is set to yes. Based on that the part mentioned above will be executed. Then export the desired lead with the follow up field selected via advanced find to Excel and set this flag to yes and reimport it back to CRM. The update of the field will trigger the workflow and do whatever was defined in the workflow.



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