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Timeline notes/posts are ordered in chaotic order due to wrong date and time stamps

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Posted on by 7


Our timeline doesn't get historical order due to the wrong date and time stamps (bottom right corner of each note). Once a user creates a new note all other notes are going to be updated with the same timestamp and all notes would change the owner to "Note modified by Randi (see screenshot).

How can we prevent other notes to be updated with the latest timestamp to make sure we don't get chaotic order. Also how to prevent changing the editor/owner of the note?


  • slimus Profile Picture
    slimus 7 on at
    RE: Timeline notes/posts are ordered in chaotic order due to wrong date and time stamps

    Thank you guys for your help. NoCascade worked like a charm, but you have to change this option in two locations.

    1. Activity Cascade Rules > Case > NoCascade (to all activities)

      - prevents changing date&time of all notes in the timeline.

    2. General tab (CE relationship) > Relationship Behavior (section) > "Cascade None" for all available actions (Assign, Share, Unshare, Rollup View... )

     - prevents changing the owner of the notes in the timeline when assigning a case to another user.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Timeline notes/posts are ordered in chaotic order due to wrong date and time stamps

    Hi Slimus, You can go through this document below.

    There is a more modern and interactive activity Timeline available on App Source which I suggest you should try. This Activity Timeline comes loaded with a search filter. Using this feature you can search any specific activity by text.

    AppSource Link:

    I hope this will help and will improve the user experience as well.

  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 2,752 on at
    RE: Timeline notes/posts are ordered in chaotic order due to wrong date and time stamps

    This usually happens when the owner of the main/parent record is changed and there is a cascade owner rule on the relationship between the main entity and the Activities entities,  Owner of the main record changes and this triggers the cascaded to child records, the owner of the child records get updated and this updates the last modified date (which is what the timeline by default uses to sort).

    On the relationship between the main entity and activity entities you can turn off the Cascade owner rule.

  • gisiquei Profile Picture
    gisiquei on at
    RE: Timeline notes/posts are ordered in chaotic order due to wrong date and time stamps

    Hello Slimus, I would suggest this since here explain how the timeline data is organized and you can adjust the fields available there.

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